You do this by submitting a completed Form 6A - 'Application for Renewal of Licence' to a Queensland Police station. QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICE . Can I use my Queensland licence and weapons interstate? club membership, written permission of landowner, etc. Enquiries can be made by email to or by the ‘General Enquiries’ online form at The Weapons Categories Regulation 1997 is the legislation that defines which weapon fits into which category. You also need a permit to acquire. So check it out, join in and give yourself a chance to be a winner! Contact Email, Phone and Address Details for this service in simple two column table format, header then data. The community’s support and patience is appreciated during this period of time. In one of the documents, a Weapons Licensing Branch team leader writes back to the licensee: We’ve alerted the individual to the breach to minimise any privacy impacts, but this raises serious questions about the capacity of QPS to protect the private firearms registry infor… 20 Queensland licence declared to be a corresponding licence . You can obtain copies of this form from the website or from a Queensland Police station. The most commonly held licence in Queensland is a general ‘Firearms Licence’ which is suitable for the needs of farmers and sports and target shooters. Weapons Regulations. Here is the schedule of the new fee structure. You must lodge the application for renewal at a Queensland Police station at least the day before the expiry date of the licence. Please send any enquiries via email to and they will be attended to as soon as possible. A person who is over 11 years of age and under 18 years of age wishing to use weapons at an approved club in the sport of target shooting or primary production use, should apply for a 'Minor's Licence' at a local police station. Weapons Licensing staff continue to process applications and will contact applicants should further information be required. You can obtain copies of these forms from the website or from a Queensland Police Station. We have be in touch with our tech guys and carried out actions on their advice. You must apply again each time you want to get a weapon. Weapons Act 1990. Enquiries can be made by email to or by the ‘General Enquiries’ online form at Your application must be received before the day the licence expires. You can only sell a rifle or shotgun to a licence holder issued with a permit to acquire or a licensed dealer. (Opens in new window). Weapons Licensing Fees Increase from 1 July 2013. Due to closures, recommendations to avoid non-essential gatherings and travel and other impacts arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Authorised Officer has deemed that Category H shooting competition participation for the period 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2020 is considered interrupted for licence holders for reasons outside of their control. If you have more than 20 weapons to transfer, please complete a QP0415 Firearms List (typed or hand-written) listing your additional weapons and attach in the Supporting Documentation section.. your Queensland driver's licence or, if you do not have a Queensland driver's licence, another acceptable form of photographic identification for proof of identity, date of birth and residency; your completed Safety course certificate; proof or your genuine reason for possessing a licence, i.e. Weapons Licensing appreciates that licence holders complete their shoots at different times during the year, and that some licensees may now not be able to meet their required shoots. Weapons registered to a Business Licence can only be transferred if you are the sole operator/representative of the business. In emergency or if the crime is happening now, call Triple Zero (000). Toowoomba QLD. For any other change, please contact Weapons Licensing on (07) 3015 7777. You can either update us online or print and complete the form to post back to us. Firearms Licensing in QLD is administered by the QLD Police Weapons Licensing Branch. Expiry date of membership. Before you start your application, please read this information carefully. We have carried out a full virus check with no viruses being […], We had a week break till it was decided we would continue until mid December. The Queensland Police Service has partnered with Australia Post to update the way new weapons licence applications are lodged both online and in-person. Renew a Weapons Act Licence. Request Callback. If you hold a Queensland weapons licence and you wish to travel interstate with weapons, it is advisable to check with each state that you will be travelling through in order to ensure that you meet their requirements. It has come to our attention that there are emails sending to email addresses saying they are from PSQ yet they are not, so sort of scam! . Continue to meet the personal eligibility requirements; Have a genuine reason to hold a licence Details of Licensee/Representative. If your enquiry requires an immediate response, please contact Policelink on 131 444 or For interstate / mobile: (07) 3055 6206 For international callers: +61 7 3055 6206 Unfortunately, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are experiencing delays in the processing of applications and responding to enquiries. Contact Information. Email: Weapons Licensing keeps our communities safe, while enabling people with a genuine … US State Department permits You have an electronic copy of the letter on business letterhead signed by a person in a business or a member of the Executive of a Club, Range or Historical Society who is authorised to provide the following information: The most commonly held licence in Queensland is a general ‘Firearms Licence’ which is suitable for the needs of farmers and sports and target shooters. This course is for those who wish to gain a Queensland Security Guard Employee Weapons Licence and work in the security industry as an armed guard. If you have a licence and want to buy a weapon, you must complete a ‘permit to acquire’. Your application must be received before the day the licence expires. Only people with a valid weapons’ licence can complete this form. An approved club is a body of persons who conduct a club or organisation for the sport of target shooting. If you have a speech or hearing disability you can access the Triple Zero (000) service via the National Relay Service on 106. Advice regarding the COVID-19 pandemic can be accessed at Joining date of pistol club membership. A private individual, clearly a firearms licensee, is named in Weapons Licensing Branch correspondence recently carelessly released to a member of the public by the Queensland Police Service. Please contact Weapons Licensing for further information. A permit to acquire is for 1 weapon only. Should a licence holder not be able to meet the revised lower number of shooting competitions for the 2019-20 financial year, a brief submission should be supplied when lodging a renewal application. You have a valid and current Queensland Weapons Licence. To apply for a new licence. Contact your nearest police station to apply for a weapons licence if you cannot apply online. If you do not receive the forms prior to expiry of the licence, the onus is on you, the licensee, to obtain renewal forms from a Queensland Police station or from the website. The most commonly held licence in Queensland is a general Category A, B & H ‘Firearms Licence’ which is suitable for the needs of farmers and sports and target shooters. A Weapons Licensing representative will contact you if any further information is required in relation to your application, after your application is assessed. Weapons Licensing acknowledges and appreciates the impacts that the emergent novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is having on the both the target shooting and wider weapons licence holder community. Weapons Licensing phone contact lines will be unavailable for enquiries until further notice. have adequate knowledge of safety practices relating to the use and maintenance of weapons for the category of weapon/s applied for by completion of the 30655QLD course in firearms safety; be a fit and proper person with specific reference to mental state, misuse of drugs and/or firearms and offences involving violence or threatened violence, and not subject to an order under the. Find out more about the new process. Queensland Audit Office using information from the Queensland Police Service Weapons Licensing Management System and the Queensland Police Reporting Information Management Exchange System. If you are changing your address and this impacts on your Genuine Reason please complete a Form 4B - Change of Weapons Category and/or Change of Condition(s) of Licence and lodge it at a Queensland Police Station instead of competing the Form 4A. 1 We found that the Act could be updated and improved to provide greater clarity and public protection. Email Us. Make sure you have all the required documents to apply for your licence. You cannot own or buy a weapon just because you have a licence. Here’s where you can find everything you need to know about Weapons Licensing, including detailed information about the law, licence types and your responsibilities. Weapons Categories Regulation 1997 Queensland. A full disclosure letter will be sent to local council prior to issue of the Licence. If applying for a New Licence Application, also complete fields for “New Applicant”. Weapons Licensing understands that occupational applications have an impact upon applicants’ livelihoods and businesses and, therefore, these types of applications will be assessed as soon as possible. Accordingly, owners of registered Category H firearms will have the below reduced participation requirements for the 2019-20 financial year (prorated from 1 July 2019 to 29 February 2020). You must also submit all other required information as detailed: The licence cannot be issued to you until at least 28 days after the application if you do not hold a licence of another class. Please contact Weapons Licensing Branch for further information. Potential reduced requirements for the 2020-21 financial year will be considered closer to 30 June 2020 based on an assessment of impacts at that stage. Some tips to ensure your licence renewal is processed efficiently Keep us up to date. Contact details of interstate registries. Weapons Licensing phone contact centre will close at 1.00pm (AEST) Thursday, 24 December 2020 and will reopen 9.00am (AEST) Tuesday, 29 December 2020. Further information about normal participation requirements and the classes of handguns can be found here. Just a bit of fun while we all get use to being back at the range, as we know things […], The Pistol Shooting Queensland Board regrets to advise our membership that all our State Championship events in Action Pistol; ISSF; Metallic Silhouette; Pistol Australia and WA1500 events have been cancelled for 2020. Information regarding the licence application process is provided during the course. For more information, see Expired Licences. Careers; Conducting research; Event safe; Criminal history (Qld) National police certificate; Party safe; Police Pipes & Drums ; Register your CCTV; Vehicle early release; Weapons licence; Wide load escort; Update name, sex or gender identity; Enquire about. (Opens in new window), Weapons Categories Regulation 1997 Queensland
With respect to particular areas of Weapons Licensing: Category H Shooting Competition Participation. Weapons Licensing staff continue to process applications and will contact applicants should further information be required. Personal or business details can be updated online using the online form at Information regarding the License Application process is provided during the course. To apply for a permit to acquire, you must have (or have applied for) a valid weapons licence. With the recent media releases concerning the new Adler A-110 LEVER ACTION shotgun, being imported by NIOA, a Queensland and Australian Business and Fire-Arms/Products Importer, a groundswell has emerged over the last few months about the firearm, its … Approved Club Declaration (Queensland Applicant) Weapons Act 1990 . All weapons licence holders should let Weapons Licensing know of any change of name, address or contact details. (Opens in new window). . The Licensing Team are currently processing a large volume of new licence applications, with the majority of licence applications being processed within fifteen (15) to twenty (20) weeks. Accordingly, Weapons Licensing has … To legally acquire a firearm in QLD, you must hold a valid QLD firearms licence and for each firearm you must apply for a PTA.Firearm Safety CoursesWe work in conjunction with Impact F today This will avoid your renewal pack being returned undelivered. Enquiries regarding the operations of Dealers, Armourers, Clubs, Ranges and Galleries should be made with the relevant business directly. Section 18B . Print About gun licences. Permit to acquire. Please contact Weapons Licensing Branch for further information. This includes a list of category M weapons, which are mostly prohibited weapons in Queensland. This course covers the outcomes required to determine when to use a firearm to respond to a life threatening situation. To apply for a weapons licence in Queensland you must: Meet the personal eligibility requirements. Weapons Licensing is a responsible unit within the scope of the reporting requirements for the Queensland Government Regulator Performance Framework. It is requested that you do not use these general enquiry methods to make status enquiries regarding applications unless there is an urgent need, as this allows our staff to focus on processing and issuing applications instead. Application forms for renewal will be posted to you from the Weapons Licensing Branch, Queensland Police Service. Before you assume these won’t affect you, it’s worth unpacking the implications, including: Proposed changes […] Read more about gun licences. The issue of Category C firearms licences is restricted to clay target club members who have a physical need for the type of firearm or where a member has held a current licence in another state for this purpose. Renewals are processed in order of licence expiry date. And Open Petition to the Regulatory Bodies and Enforcers of the Weapons Act and associated Regulations in Queensland, Australia. You require this licence to possess and/or use any Category A, B, C or D weapon for sports/target shooting, recreational shooting or occupational requirement including rural purposes. For more information about licensing or to lodge an online application click here. Weapons Licensing staff continue to process applications and will contact applicants should further information be required. Licence renewal applications lodged at least one day prior to the expiry date ensure the licence remains valid until 42 days after expiry, or otherwise decided. Vouchers sent to winners weekly. Anyone in Queensland wishing to own or use a gun, crossbow, paintball gun, and even own certain types of knife, must have a valid weapons’ licence.. Enquiries can be made by email to or by the ‘General Enquiries’ online form at Request police contact; See all reporting options; Apply & register. Find more information about specific regulations for the following: crossbows; Airsoft firearms (BB guns) replica weapons You do this by submitting a completed Form 6A - 'Application for Renewal of Licence' to a Queensland Police station. 1 July 2013 - WEAPONS LICENCE FEES. We acknowledge the traditional owners of the country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. In Queensland, firearms licence and permits to acquire are processed through QLD Police under the name of 'Weapons Licensing Branch'. This licence remains in effect for a maximum of five years. Please contact Weapons Licensing Branch for further information. Weapons Act 1990 Queensland
In the wake of the highly political anti-shooter audit report into Weapons Licensing (click here) that recommend sweeping changes to the licensing system, Queensland’s Weapons Licensing Branch have announced new assessment ‘Guidelines’ (see table at the bottom of this page). (Opens in new window), Weapons Regulation 2016 Queensland
Firearms Licensing in Queensland is administered by the QLD Police Weapons Licensing Branch. Welcome to Weapons Licensing. Asbestos licences
Cat C for occupational on a rural property. Licence renewal applications remain a priority to ensure these applications are processed within 42 days of expiry of the licence. It is highly advisable that Licensees contact the Inspections team, Weapons Licensing Branch, prior to making the application to discuss storage requirements. We pay our respect to them and their cultures and to the elders past and present. Postal: GPO Box 892, BRISBANE QLD 4001. The PSQ Board has made this reluctant decision based on the uncertainties around the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and to act in the best […],, This weeks winners for PSQ 2020 Back 2 the Range Postal Comps. The firearm he is looking to import is discussed. Only use this on-line service if: You have a valid and current email address. 25, March 2020. 21 Part 6 Blank-fire firearms licence ... Division 1 Who may be issued licence, weapons and term for licence, and training 61 Who may be issued security licence (guard), and weapons for licence 49 Please find below information from Kay Blain, Weapons Licensing, Queensland Police Service. It is requested that you allow twenty (20) weeks from the date you lodged your application before making further contact with us via email. The collection of this information is authorised by the Police Service Administration Act 1990 (Qld) and the Weapons Act 1990 (Qld). To renew your Queensland Weapons Act Licence you need to: Have a Queensland Weapons Licence due to expire If your licence has expired you will not be able to renew you licence. You can obtain copies of this form from the website or from a Queensland Police station. A restricted licence for no more than 20 category A, B and M weapons may be available under this licence. If you have a licence and want to buy a weapon, you must complete a 'permit to acquire'. Queensland Concealable Firearms Licence Holders who act in good faith will not have adverse action taken against their licences for failing to complete their required participation shoots due to disruptions arising from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please also familiarise yourself with the New Licence Application information. The issue of Category D firearms licences is restricted to occupational culling of animals. Please be advised that Weapons Licensing has modified business operations in response to the unfolding novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Weapons Licence holders are required to inform Weapons Licensing of any change of address within 14 days of the change. A licence defines the need to obtain recognition / certification and registration to undertake a certain business activity. Only people with a valid weapons’ licence can complete this form. You can obtain this licence by submitting a completed Application for a Licence, Firearms List, Form 1 Annexure that pertains to your specific genuine reason and a form 30 Proof of Identity Declaration at a Queensland Police station. The Framework is supported by the Queensland Productivity Commission. This will help you to have everything ready before you start. For more information about licensing or to lodge an online application visit the Weapons Licensing website: Weapons Licensing Form to Post back to us some tips to ensure your licence renewal applications remain a priority to ensure applications. Clarity and public protection contact you if any further information is required in relation to application! Through QLD Police under the name of 'Weapons Licensing Branch Licensing: category H shooting Competition Participation business. Keep us up to date Police Service weapons Licensing is a body persons... 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