In some places, states emerged only in the past century, and their ability to carry out such basic functions as maintaining an army remains tenuous at best. By 1914, Europeans and their offspring controlled 84 percent of the world's landmass, up from 35 percent in 1800. In a less extreme version of the same scenario, the current trend towards remote UW by resistance warfare actors engaging in virtual infiltration, offshore shaping and collaborative engagement may develop to the point where kinetic resistance activities, political warfare and ordinary politics merge. The threat from Islamist extremists, which had been building sub rosa for decades, burst into bloody view on September 11, 2001, when al Qaeda staged the deadliest terrorist attack of all time. Precursors to today's special forces -- troops trained in guerrilla tactics who are nonetheless still more disciplined than stateless fighters -- these "rangers" were raised for "wood service," or irregular combat, against French colonial troops and their native allies. But the process of state formation and, with it, army formation took considerably longer in most of the world. By 2017, the number of Global Navigation System Satellite (GNSS) devices in use worldwide—including the American GPS, Russia’s GLONASS, China’s Beidou network and the European Galileo system—was more than 5 billion and was expected to grow to 8 billion by 2020 (European Global Navigation Satellite System Agency 2017: 5). The return of great-power competition created new opportunities for UW. The creation of a base at Dien Bien Phu married irregular warfare methods of British provenance with a historic French commitment to the militias of montagnards—tribal highlanders—in the upper Tonkin. Tom Wolfe captured the moment in his famous 1970 essay "Radical Chic," which described in excruciating detail a party thrown by the composer Leonard Bernstein in his swank New York apartment for a group of Black Panthers, one of myriad terrorist groups of a period whose fame far exceeded its ability to achieve its goals. The jungle is neutral. This meant that large parts of the underground, auxiliary and even guerrilla components of a resistance movement were now outside denied areas (i.e. Even so, it is doubtful that the United States will be able to avoid them in the future any more than it has in the past. Indeed, from US military involvement in the Boxer Rebellion in 1900 up to the present day our military has regularly fought “irregular” wars and/or operations. A Brief History of Unconventional Warfare Though state sponsorship of irregulars is one of the oldest and commonest forms of warfare, its modern western iteration dates to the work of the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and British Special Operations Executive (SOE) with resistance movements in Nazi-occupied Europe during the Second World War. Another new trend is the return of great-power conflict in the 21st century. Increasing public perception of connectivity as an essential service, so that resistance actors (or their opponents) who disable or manipulate connectivity can achieve significant leverage over a population. Like everyone else, guerrillas and terrorists are subject to popular moods and intellectual fads. “The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare”. Meanwhile, other Islamist groups continue to show considerable strength in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Hamas controls the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah holds sway in Lebanon, al Shabab bids for power in Somalia, Boko Haram advances in Nigeria, and two newer groups, Ansar Dine and the Movement for Unity and Jihad in West Africa, have taken control of northern Mali. When the United States had to confront a guerrilla threat in Vietnam, William Westmoreland, the commander of U.S. operations there, formulated an overwhelmingly conventional response that expended lots of firepower and destroyed lives on both sides but did not produce victory. The pyramid was updated in 2013 under the Assessing Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) project to include a ‘public component’ that operates openly alongside the underground, auxiliary and guerrilla force (Figure 2) (Tompkins 2013: 6). (2016). Kennedy explains this seeming contradiction by citing all the military advantages nomads enjoyed: they were more mobile, every adult male was a warrior, and their leaders were selected primarily for their war-making prowess. Indeed, the archetypal underground, auxiliary and guerrilla labels might better be considered as functional descriptors of roles within a mesh of multi-role resistance cells, rather than organisational components. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 1 (2019): 61–71. Few but the most purblind ideologues could imagine that the future was being born in impoverished and oppressed Cambodia or Cuba. Resistance movements were now viewed through the lens of Marxist revolutionary warfare, including Mao Zedong’s people’s war, Le Duan’s ‘combination of all forms of struggle’ and Che Guevara’s focoism. The transition from politically motivated to religiously motivated insurgencies was the product of decades, even centuries, of development. London generally only fought to hold on to a few bases, such as Cyprus and Aden, that it deemed to be of strategic significance or, as in Malaya and Kenya, to prevent a takeover by Communists or other extremists. Hasler, J. In its Second World War manifestation, the raw material for UW was the spontaneous resistance (including nationalist, royalist, separatist and communist movements) that sprang up in territories occupied by Germany and its allies. Their rulers naturally looked to those standing armies for protection, typically eschewing the sort of tribal tactics (a primitive form of guerrilla warfare) practiced by their ancestors. “The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare”. Covert operations and ingenious weapons for irregular warfare were developed rapidly, and with great success, by the British during the Second World War, and the story of the most famous organizations involved like SOE, the SAS and Section D of SIS is now The success of various raiders in attacking and conquering states from ancient Rome to medieval China gave rise to what one historian has called "the nomad paradox." Indeed, if this analysis suggests anything, it is that we should be extremely sceptical about our ability to predict future UW. Journal of the Australian War Memorial, 37. This site uses cookies to improve your user experience. Nomads' military advantages seem to have persisted among guerrillas in the modern world; even in the last two centuries, during which states became far more powerful than in the ancient or the medieval period, guerrillas often managed to humble them. The first genuine armies -- commanded by a strict hierarchy, composed of trained soldiers, disciplined with threats of punishment -- arose after 3100 BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia. And the American rebels used a more sophisticated form of irregular warfare than the French backwoodsmen and Native American warriors whom the redcoats had gotten used to fighting. The incidence of guerrilla warfare and terrorism did not decline with the demise of the European empires. The fundamental principle that set counterinsurgency apart was the use of "the minimum of fire." Where the British did face determined opposition, as in India and Palestine, it did not take much to persuade them to leave. Although control can be imposed at gunpoint, it can be maintained only if the security forces have some degree of popular legitimacy. Attacks by irregulars were often brutal, as were the reprisals against them, which included massacres by Fre… It is appropriate that the term "public opinion" first appeared in print in 1776, for the American rebels won independence in large part by appealing to the British electorate with documents such as Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence. Mounted archers could not have taken Constantinople; that feat required the mechanics of a proper military, including a battery of 69 cannons, two of which were 27 feet long and fired stone balls that weighed more than half a ton. Instead of attempting to engage in guerrilla warfare -- which, even if unsuccessful, might have staved off ultimate defeat for years, if not decades, and inflicted considerable costs on the invaders -- most non-Europeans fought precisely as the Europeans wanted them to, that is to say, in conventional fashion. Liminal warfare: layers between clandestine and overt action. In fact, conventional warfare is the relatively recent invention. Ronfeldt and Arquilla articulated their netwar theory before the connectivity explosion was fully apparent, and it was that explosion (and its associated technologies and tactics) that gave real-world resistance movements the capabilities to put netwar into practice. Given the United States' demonstrations of its mastery of conventional combat in Iraq in 1991 and 2003, few adversaries in the future will be foolish enough to put tank armies in the desert against an American force. Hasler’s analysis is worth reading in full: he questions many assumptions in the pyramid, pointing out that, rather than moving sequentially through a series of increasingly overt, vertically-stacked horizontal layers of activity, real resistance movements operate on a continuum of actions and can go forwards or backwards depending on circumstances, while individuals and cells within a movement can take on multiple roles traditionally associated with guerrilla, underground and auxiliary components or can transition among roles over time. When the British did choose to fight, they did so skillfully and successfully; their counterinsurgency record is better than that of the French during the same period, and some of their campaigns, notably that in Malaya, are still studied by military strategists. Pervasive electronic surveillance, so that resistance actors must expect all their communications to be intercepted, and all activities to be eventually compromised, though this is offset by traffic volumes so massive that intercepted communications may not be analysed in time for opponents to act on them. As the terrorism analyst Brian Jenkins wrote in the 1970s, "Terrorism is theater. The liminal manoeuvre space for netwar could thus expand to cover most of the planet, with every location potentially acting as a virtual hinterland, support base or AO for a resistance warfare campaign somewhere on the globe. That said, in the existing environment there are already discernible indications of possible future developments. The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare. The Irregular Warfare Podcast is a collaboration between the Modern War Institute and Princeton University’s Empirical Studies of Conflict Project. With a few exceptions, by 1825, the European colonial powers had been defeated in the Americas. Follow him on Twitter @MaxBoot. (2017). Original version of the SORO pyramid. The Irregular Warfare of the Somalian Nation SSgt Patrick Sipplin "Class name goes here" 24 March 2014 Western civilization, with our superior technology and organization, have been killed for a long time by primitives or “savages" whose style of war that we misunderstood and whose skills exceeded those of the West in irregular wars. It is important neither to underestimate nor to overestimate the potency of guerrilla warfare. This week, the Defense Department released an unclassified summary of the Irregular Warfare (IW) Annex to the National Defense Strategy. Why did so few indigenous regimes resort to guerrilla tactics? Such special operations are un… Further, in an environment of pervasive surveillance and omnipresent social media, there is no such thing as a permanently clandestine operation. In North America, the British army came increasingly to rely on a variety of light infantry. But as soon as they saw the irregulars' effectiveness, they copied the Austrian example. SOF teams working remotely with resistance partners may look very different; physical infiltration teams would still be needed, at least some of the time, but UW operators would increasingly be cyberwarriors operating on their own or supporting physical infiltration teams. Human factors considerations of undergrounds in insurgencies, (2nd edition). By the eighteenth century, Western warfare had reached stylized heights seldom seen before or since, with monarchical armies fighting in roughly similar styles and abiding by roughly similar rules of conduct. In most cases, the decisions quickly backfired. The SORO pyramid is no exception: it has been hugely influential for a generation of resistance warfare operators, suggesting that it captures something meaningful about the range of potential activities that can occur within a resistance movement and how they might relate to each other. All the while, guerrilla and terrorist warfare have remained as ubiquitous and deadly as ever. Table of Contents General Topics on Irregular Warfare Historical Studies Military Philosophy Organization, Analysis, Doctrine and Training Air Power in the Irregular Warfare Environment Bibliographies Irregular Warfare Websites Counterinsurgency Counterinsurgency Manuals, Evaluations, Metrics and Theory United States Current Counterinsurgency Operations Afghanistan Iraq United … 2019;2(1):61–71. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 2(1), pp.61–71. publishers of The Evolution of Unconventional Warfare. DOI: Teams might infiltrate to locations—say, a diaspora community in a country remote from the AO, but connected to it through electronic means—to engage in organisational development and political warfare. A settled life was much easier -- and safer. Arguably these were always theoretical attempts to model a messy reality. World within: A Borneo story. But if objectives are already achieved before conventional operations begin—if the purpose of combat becomes merely to consolidate gains already won by a resistance campaign coordinated with conventional shaping—then major combat operations are no longer decisive and may never occur. Prelude to invasion: Covert operations before the re-occupation of Northwest Borneo, 1944–45. Being defined by exclusion, there is significant variance in what comes under the term. Both were essentially bankrupt and could not comfortably fight a prolonged counterinsurgency -- especially not in the face of hostility from the rising superpowers. Box, G. E. P., Hunter, J. S., & Hunter, W. G. (2005). 3Note that Axis powers had their own variants of special operations, but these translated poorly to UW since the raw material, i.e. The average tribal society loses 0.5 percent of its population in combat every year. No change was more important than the adoption of standardized uniforms, which meant that the difference between soldiers and civilians could be glimpsed in an instant. It begins with a historical overview, examines how drivers of evolutionary change are manifested in modern resistance warfare and considers the implications for future UW. By 2011, however, competition between Western powers and revisionist or rising states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea was increasing, and by 2014 this had broken into military confrontation (though mostly short of war) in Ukraine, the Baltic, the Middle East, the South China Sea and parts of Africa. Joint publication 1-02. Further, if all operations are eventually, but not immediately compromised, there is a temporal dimension to liminal manoeuvre: Resistance actors do not need to create permanent deniability, just temporary ambiguity. London, United Kingdom: Cresset Press. But at the same time, the very pervasiveness of social media increases opportunities for deception, enabling resistance actors to hide in plain sight, mimic others, create and exploit ‘fake news’ or manipulate their physical and electronic signatures. Such wars are best avoided if possible. London, United Kingdom: Chatto and Windus. Despite its prevalence, the US Army has a history of neglecting its irregular warfare and counterinsurgency doctrine in favor of focusing on conventional warfare. The animated conversations have covered a wide variety of topics including terrorism and its implications in modern-day society, the Vietnam War, and literature. Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military. But it also owed something to the fact that most non-Europeans did not adopt strategies that made the best use of their limited resources. Subscribe for articles, app access, audio, our subscriber-only newsletter, & more. The SORO resistance pyramid challenged: Critical observations and questions on a classic. Likewise, the ability to access targeting data, intelligence, propaganda support and other enablers online might allow individuals or teams to operate in near-complete electronic blackout conditions between periodic downloads. 2019. While it is easy to conceive of resistance movements where some or all of these elements might apply, there are clearly others—global jihadist insurgency or national resistance movements against occupation, for example—where they might not. They were subject to prosecution as bandits rather than treated as soldiers entitled to the protections of the emerging laws of war. Sometimes, they were able to force serious setbacks; a famous example was the 1842 British retreat from Kabul. The ‘attribution threshold’ – again determined by ISR capabilities – is the level at which the adversary suspects (or knows, but cannot prove) the sponsor’s identity, and this is the realm of ambiguous action. These conflicts were, in a sense, the world's first insurgencies and counterinsurgencies. Even a small minority is enough to sustain a terrorist group, however, and al Qaeda has shown an impressive capacity to regenerate itself. We might call this the ‘liminal warfare’ space, from the Latin word for ‘threshold’. The advent of netwar. After 1945, however, popular sentiment swung too far in the other direction, enshrining guerrillas as superhuman figures. Attempts by either insurgents or counterinsurgents to short-circuit the process usually backfire. It was one thing to generate such hard-won lessons. During the 20 th Century, the United States arguably engaged in Peer on Peer battle four times over the 100-year period: World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and the first Gulf War. Nomadic empires generally crumbled after a generation or two. Other than these changes, the classical pyramid remained largely unaltered as late as 2016 (United States Army Special Operations Command 2016: 9). In fact, irregular warfare has been the most prevalent form of warfare in history. Irregular Warfare: Countering Irregular Threats Joint Operating Concept (JOC) v. 2.0, U.S. Joint Forces Command and U.S. Special Operations Command, co­ authored this concept. The 1960s saw the publication of influential manuals such as Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice, by the French officer (and Algeria veteran) David Galula, and Defeating Communist Insurgency, by the British official Sir Robert Thompson, a suave veteran of Malaya and Vietnam. Before about 3000 BC, tribal guerrillas fought exclusively against other tribal guerrillas. Click here to learn more. The new Ottoman army conquered Constantinople in a famous siege in 1453 and, within less than a century, advanced to the gates of Vienna. Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies. In years past, it was not hard for foreign empires to gain the necessary legitimacy. Previous terrorist organizations, from the PLO to various anarchist groups, had limited the scale of their violence. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001, another decade was spent on large-scale counterinsurgency, counterterrorism and stabilisation operations, again in weak and failing (or occupied) states. Conversely, countries whose leaders act unpredictably, do not publish red lines or respond promptly and unilaterally to threats (Israel being one obvious example) can collapse the liminal space by lowering or obfuscating response thresholds regardless of ISR capacity. Some governments had considerable success in suppressing insurgent movements. Earlier work on netwar by John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt also supports the notion of a mesh of multi-role cells that self-synchronise and swarm to support each other across multiple functional areas (Arquilla & Ronfeldt 1996; Brose 2017). The reproductions were seldom as good as the originals, however, and their inferiority was brutally exposed in battle. By the time the Revolution broke out, in 1775, the British were well versed in irregular warfare and were countering it in Europe, the Caribbean, and North America. In the most extreme case, political leaders who are prepared to issue bald-faced denials of blatantly obvious action by their own forces, or by irregular actors they sponsor, can create a zone of ‘implausible deniability’ whereby international pressure loses much of its impact. Bos, N. ( Eds unrest of the rest of the emerging laws of war history of irregular warfare variety defenses... This analysis suggests anything, it can refer to the fact that most of the emerging of... In 632 professional standing army critiqued in a decidedly illiberal fashion 2009 ) at.... In years past, it has evolved over the relevant populations ‘ threshold ’ experts reached remarkable. Erected a variety of defenses applies in multiple theatres twentieth century was to. 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