(8 credits); (4 credits) Student must complete a dissertation and defend his/her thesis in front of a committee of at least 2 faculty members. Conduction heat transfer in steady and transient state, including heat sources. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 622. Machining Dynamics and Mechanics Elastodynamic equations, isotropic and anisotropic materials; vector/scalar potentials, reflection and transmission at interfaces, mode conversion, surface waves, Rayleigh-Lamb equation. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 539 (APPLIED PHYSICS 639). Also considered are deflection, post-yield behavior, residual stresses, temperature and corrosion effects. Differential and integral formulations of convection. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 569. Evaluation of strength under steady and fatigue loadings. Advanced treatment of dynamic structural theories. Coverage This is a project-oriented laboratory course in integrated microsystem design, fabrication, and testing. Applications to separated, turbulent and two-phase flows, flow control and flows involving heat transfer. Link between processing and as-manufactured properties through coupled fluid and structural analyses. Review of the fundamental concepts and current work in nonlinear theory of hydrodynamic stability. Prerequisite: EECS 562 or MECHENG 548. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Case studies: sustainable design of consumer products, manufacturing and infrastructure systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 482 (MFG 492). We also use Mathworks tools, Matlab, Simulink, Stateflow, and Real Time Workshop for modeling, analysis, and (in the last stage of the course) autocode generation. Prerequisite: MECHENG 541. Students will have the opportunity to develop a program to implement the methods to simulate nanostructure evolution. The course introduces methods to identify product concepts with commercial potential. Welding Single and multi-DOF stability analysis techniques, stability margins and stability charts. Material properties, including physical, mechanical, thermal, electrical, economic, corrosion and environmental properties. (YR). Graduate standing or special permission. Prerequisite: MECHENG 461 or equivalent. Prerequisite: MECHENG 382. Emphasis is placed upon system-level modeling, model order reduction from micro-scale and surrogate models for load control, estimation, on-board identification and diagnostics for Lithium Ion batteries. Instruction Mode: Hybrid – Synchronous, Online – Synchronous Basics of mechanical design: visual thinking, engineering drawing, and machine anatomy. Introduction to Dynamics and Vibrations Graded S-U. Advanced Internal Combustion Engines Individual or group study, design or laboratory research in a field of interest to the student. Comprehensive basic course in heat and mass transfer for mechanical engineering students. (3 credits) BULLETIN DESCRIPTION: Modeling and quantitative analysis of manufacturing processes used in industry to manufacture mechanical systems: machining, deformation, welding, assembly, surface treatment, and solidification. Advanced treatment of fundamental combustion processes. Two-dimensional Burke-Schumann flames and boundary layer combustion. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Minimum grade of “C” required for enforced prerequisites. The student will be required to carry out a course project on NVH related subject of electrified vehicles. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 401. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 458. Dissertation work by a student of the Ph.D. in Mechanical Sciences and Engineering Program conducted under guidance of the faculty advisor. Advanced Engineering Acoustics Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. ME 572 Convection Heat Transfer 3 Credit Hours. Chain reactions, ignition, quenching and flammability limits, detonations, deflagrations and flame stability. At most, 6 credit-hours at the 400-level may be applied towards the degree. Introduction of the correlation between various types of microstructural defects and materials’ macroscopic phenomena, such as diffusion, deformation, radiation response, phase transformation, etc. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 524. Laser welding, cutting, surface modification, forming and rapid prototyping. Multiphase Flow Product platforms and modular design. Advanced treatment of engineering thermodynamics as applied to producing mechanical power and refrigeration. Prerequisite: EECS 314 or equivalent. We develop an embedded controller for a haptic interface, or force feedback system, built by Professor Brent Gillespie of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan. (3 credits) CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 990. Axisymmetric torsion. This course covers fundamentals of fuel cell systems for both automotive and distributed power applications. Small oscillation theory. Heat transfer prediction. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MECHENG 240 and preceded or accompanied by EECS 215 or EECS 314. Biological tissues have multiple scales and can adapt to their physical environment. (3 credits) ME 586 Materials Consid in Manufactur 3 Credit Hours. The course is to establish a working familiarity with the key engineering elements in the design and control of electro-mechanical systems in general and automotive systems in particular. Generalized mathematical modeling of engineering systems, methods of solution and simulation languages. Analytical synthesis of programmable and compliant mechanisms. Recent developments in finite element methods; mixed, hybrid, mixed-hybrid, reduced integration penalty, singular, boundary integral elements. (4 credits) (YR). (3 credits) (YR). Energy Generation and Storage Using Modern Materials Composite Materials: Mechanics, Manufacturing, and Design Stress, strain and displacement, equilibrium and compatibility. Computational Fluid Dynamics I ME 791 Adv Guided Research 1 to 6 Credit Hours, Independent study and research work on the material related to the doctoral research project under the guidance of the faculty advisor. Convection Heat Transfer Minimum grade of “C” required for enforced prerequisite. (MFG 454) or MECHENG 501. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 311. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 574. Mechanical Behavior of Materials Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Basic integrated circuit (IC) manufacturing processes; electronics devices fundamentals; microelectromechanical systems fabrications including surface micromachining, bulk micromachining, LIGA and others. Process costs and limits; influence of processes on the final mechanical properties of the product. Reconfigurable manufacturing, Rapid prototyping, Direct Metal Deposition (DMD) and semiconductor manufacturing. Pre: 2124, (MATH 2214 or MATH 2214H). Theoretical and computational aspects of finite element methods. Advisory Prerequisite: MECHENG 235 and MECHENG 382. Rotational flow; Stability, Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. Maxwell’s relations. An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently. Automatic Control ME 587 Automotive Composites 3 Credit Hours. ME 585 Cast Metals in Eng Design 3 Credit Hours. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 452 (MFG 452). Free vibration eigenvalue problem. Use of computers in various phases of design and manufacturing. Computer Aided Design Methods CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 582 (MFG 582) (MATSCIE 523). Emphasis on analytical and graphical descriptions of state-determined systems using Bond Graph language. Prerequisite: graduate standing. ME 554 Theory of Gearing and Applicat 3 Credit Hours. (4 credits) Micro-scale and multi-scale mechanical modeling will also be introduced. The influences of time and temperature on behavior. Introduction to pattern formation. Prerequisite: Math 116 or equivalent (Math 119 or Math 121 or Math 156 or Math 176 or Math 186 or Math 296) and (ENGR 101 or ENGR 151 or EECS 183 ). Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Sampling and data reconstruction. Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Time and frequency domain mathematical techniques for linear system vibrations. Spectral methods for free and forced vibrations. Our top-ranked programs expertly prepare students for a wide range of difference-making careers creating better materials for a better planet. Graduate standing or special permission. (4 credits) Independent Study of specified material in an area of Mechanical Engineering under the guidance of a member of the graduate faculty. Responsive business models. For undergraduates only. The course emphasizes the exact methods used in the solution of the partial differential equations that arise in advanced engineering problems. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 406. Design and Manufacturing III Green’s functions; boundary element and finite element methods. The simple oscillator and its applications. Mechanical behavior of materials are covered in relation to their structures, deformation characteristics and failure mechanisms. (3 credits) Product-process-business integration. Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous This course will focus on scientific understanding and computational techniques. (3 credits) Green’s tensor; variational, Galerkin and Hamilton’s equations. ME 482 COURSE PROFILE DEGREE PROGRAM: Mechanical Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 382. Application of lasers in materials processing and manufacturing. Introduction to Finite Elements in Mechanical Engineering Plane stress, plane strain and axial symmetry. Students work in team design projects from concept generation to prototyping and design verification. CHE Courses. Modes of vibration of bars, beams, membranes, plates. Energy and momentum concepts. Advanced Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Design and analysis of two-level factorial experiments. Reconfigurable manufacturing. This course will cover modeling, control, and estimation techniques for battery systems. Clapeyron relation, equation of state, thermodynamics of chemical reactions, availability. Prerequisite: MECHENG 350. FEA in nonlinear problems; material and geometrical nonlinearities, total and updated Lagrangian formulations, solution techniques. (3 credits) (3 credits) The Michigan Engineering bulletin provides a comprehensive list of courses offered at the College of Engineering. CourseProfile (ATLAS), © 2021 Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Fluid statics; conservation of mass, momentum and energy in fixed and moving control volumes; steady and unsteady Bernoulli’s equation; differential analysis of fluid flow; dimensional analysis and similitude; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layers; lift and drag; applications to mechanical, biological, environmental, and micro-fluidic systems. Restriction(s): Cannot enroll if Class is Can enroll if Major is , Mechanical Engineering-NCFD, Mechanical Engineering, ME 540 Mechanical Vibrations 3 Credit Hours. Instruction Mode: Online – Asynchronous Assembly on product and process. Instruction Mode: Hybrid – Synchronous, Online – Synchronous Design of artifacts is addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective that includes engineering, art, psychology, marketing and economics. Emphasizes systems approach to automotive design. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 553 (MFG 553). (3 credits) Vehicle Control Systems ME 452 COURSE PROFILE DEGREE PROGRAM: Mechanical Engineering. Prerequisite: MECHENG 511 or permission of instructor. Introduction to combustion processes, equilibrium and reaction kinetics. Process monitoring. (3 credits) Prerequisite: MECHENG 320 or equivalent background in fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Graduate standing or special permission. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 551 (MFG 560). Manufacturing Processes CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 542 (AUTO 542). Mechanical Engineering Analysis (3 credits) (3 credits) Nonlinear controllability and observability, feedback stabilization and linearization, asymptotic observers, tracking problems, trajectory generation, zero dynamics and inverse systems, singular perturbations and vibrational control. ME 522 Advanced Fluid Mechanics 3 Credit Hours, Graduate level course of fluid mechanics. Fundamentals of Defects in Materials and Applications of Atomistic Modeling Mechanisms Design Applications to engineering systems involving vibration isolation, rotating imbalance and vibration absorption. Topics include: Structure of matter and interatomic potentials; High-performance computing; Electronic structure methods; Molecular dynamics; Monte Carlo; Transition state theory; Accelerated dynamics and multi-scale modeling. Graduate standing or special permission. Graduate standing or special permission. Primary fields of applications are strength of materials (deformation and stress analysis) and dynamics and vibrations. Emphasis is given on their deformation, fatigue and fracture characteristics. A semester team-based design project is required. (3 credits) (3-4 credits) Significance of coatings on radiative interchange. (4 credits) (YR). (3 credits) Hands-on labs and industrial case studies are used to re-enforce the course material. (YR). 283, or equivalent) are recommended as desirable preparation. A few methods to be considered include the Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin, Collocation, Myklestad, and Lumped-parameter methods. Potential Flow; the complex potential; flow around bodies. (OC), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or GraduateCan enroll if Program is, ME 622 Adv Topics in Fluid Mechanics 3 Credit Hours. Graduate standing or special permission. Tolerance. (to be arranged) CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 527. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 555 (MFG 555). ME 543 Vehicle Dynamics 3 Credit Hours. Design Optimization (3 credits) Elastic and plastic stress-strain relations; yield criteria and flow rules; analyses of various plastic forming operations. (3 credits) Case studies (heat treatment; welding; polymer extrusion and molding; various metal casting processes; crystal growth). (3 credits) Variational and energy principles in FEA. Minimum grade of “C” required for enforced prerequisite. Analysis methods in design; load, deformation, stress and finite element considerations; nonlinear programming. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 584 (MFG 584). (3 credits) Plastic theory for materials with isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening and time dependence. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 481. EECS 545: Machine Learning . The damped and undamped response to deterministic excitations will be considered for various systems. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 320. Prerequisite: MECHENG 235. One-dimensional, two-dimensional and three dimensional elements is studied, including structural elements. Cutting forces and mechanics of chip formation. Introduction to control of systems with undetermined or time varying parameters. Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Vibrating systems; acoustic wave equation; plane and spherical waves in fluid media; reflection and transmission at interfaces; propagation in lossy media; radiation and reception of acoustic waves; pipes, cavities and waveguides; resonators and filters; noise; selected topics in physiological, environmental and architectural acoustics. State space concepts, digital control, and adaptive control methods are covered, along with information on practical implementation problems experienced with these control techniques. The mathematical tools required to describe spatial motion of a rigid body will be presented in full. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 590. Vortex filaments and vortex sheets. (4 credits) ME 598 Engine Emissions 3 Credit Hours. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 599. Means of improving strength, fracture toughness and other mechanical properties are discussed. Non-traditional machining. Dynamical models of automobiles and trucks are constructed and analyzed. Modeling and identification. Prerequisite: Physics 140 & 141, and (Math 116 or Math 121 or 156.) Surface durability in rolling. Tolerance analysis. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 250. Heat transfer mechanisms. Chaos and strange attractors. Theory of generalized stresses applied to circular plates; behavior at finite deflection; limit analysis of shells. Student(s) work under the direction of mechanical engineering faculty. Boundary value and eigenvalue problems are particularly stressed for linear and nonlinear elasticity, analytical dynamics, vibration of structures, wave propagation, fluid mechanics and other applied mechanic topics. Transmission and reflection from solids, plates and impedance boundaries. Chaotic vortex motions. (YR). Graduate standing or special permission. Robot Kinematics and Dynamics Graduate standing or special permission. Open-ended design project. Injection molding applied to other materials, such as ceramics, is also described. This course will cover topics related to the modeling techniques for time series data and related system Topics covered include: Rayleigh and Timoshenko beams and plates; free and forced vibration response of structural components; static and dynamic stability; and impact. Restriction(s): Cannot enroll if Class is Cannot enroll if Level is Can enroll if Major is , Mechanical Engineering-NCFD, Mechanical Engineering, ME 518 Advanced Engineering Analysis 3 Credit Hours. Mass production and lean production. The students will be familiarized with the present emission control technologies and future challenges. Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous Mathematical modeling of manufacturing processes used in industry to manufacture mechanical systems: machining, deformation, welding, assembly, surface treatment, and solidification processes. Plastic response to impact loads. ME 516 Special Topics in Mech Eng 1 to 3 Credit Hours. Instruction Mode: Hybrid – Synchronous, Online – Synchronous Introduction to theory and practice of the finite element method. Instruction Mode: In-Person – Synchronous, Online – Synchronous Hertzian elastic contact; elastic-plastic behavior under repeated loading; shakedown. Topics will include controls, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, materials and dynamical systems. (3 credits) Fourier and Laplace transform, modal and state-vector solution techniques. Reconfigurable machines. Project work. Laminar and turbulent flames. Several case studies on global product development will be presented and follow-up lectures will focus on the issues highlighted. Prerequisite: AEROSP 325 or preceded or accompanied by MECHENG 520. Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 649 (AEROSP 615) (CEE 617). Individual or group project work where student(s) must apply mechanical engineering principles to research, innovation, service or entrepreneurship projects. (Not available to students with ME 496 or equivalent background. Battery Systems and Control Course titles and numbers, prerequisites, other notes, credit hours and descriptions approved by the College of Engineering Curriculum Committee are included in this Bulletin. Robust design. (3 credits) Advanced Nonlinear Control Microelectromechanical Systems Dissertation work by a pre-candidate student in Mechanical Sciences and Engineering program conducted under guidance of the faculty advisor. A topic in mechanical engineering under the direction of a member of the department. Examples are taken from heat transfer, fluid dynamics, solid mechanics, electromagnetic theory, vibrations, etc. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 568. Introduction of the concepts and terminology, the state of the art development, energy conversion and storage options, modeling, analysis, system integration and basic principles of vehicle controls. Prerequisite: MECHENG 320. Prerequisite: Graduate School authorization for admission as a doctoral candidate. (3 credits) Advanced Finite Element Methods in Mechanics Covers current and future demands for energy; methods of power generation including fossil fuel, solar, wind and nuclear; associated detrimental by-products; and advanced strategies to improve power densities, efficiencies and emissions. Unified approach to the atomic-scale origins of plastic, viscous, viscoelastic, elastic, and anelastic behavior. Fatigue in Mechanical Design Design/manufacturing project. Challenges and future opportunities. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 461. Graduate standing or special permission. The nature of solid surfaces, contact between solid surfaces, rolling friction, sliding friction and surface heating due to sliding; wear and other types of surface attrition are considered with reference to practical combinations of sliding materials, effect of absorbed gases, surface contaminants and other lubricants on friction, adhesion and wear; tire and brake performance. Prerequisite: MECHENG 360. Students will learn how electrochemical systems work and how they can be mathematically described. Prerequisite: MECHENG 511, MECHENG 517, (MacroSE 517), or permission of instructor. Emphasis on use of digital computer in reliability simulation and analysis. IC CAD tools to design microelectromechanical structures using MCNC MUMPs service. Theory of Plasticity II Formulation of discrete boundary conditions. Linear free and forced responses of one and two degree of freedom systems and simple continuous systems. (YR). Two hour lecture and one hour lab. ME 571 Conduction Heat Transfer 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to turbulent premixed combustion. CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 518 (MFG 518). (3 credits) Instruction Mode: Online – Asynchronous/Synchronous Conceptual design. Prerequisite: senior or graduate standing. (3 credits) Using a decision-making framework, emphasis is placed on quantitative methods. Quantization and other nonlinearities. Topics will include fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, mechanics, materials and dynamical systems. Nano/Micro Structure Evolution CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 695. Instruction Mode: Online – Synchronous A unified approach to the modeling, analysis and simulation of energetic dynamic systems. Axisymmetric contact and crack problem. 3. cutting edge areas of excellence. Viscous flow fundamentals; vorticity dynamics; solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in their approximate forms; thin shear layers and free surface flows; hydrodynamic stability and transition to turbulence; fundamental concepts of turbulence; the turbulent boundary layer; introduction to turbulence modeling. The student will submit a report on the project at the close of the term. Emphasis on basic understanding of the radiation heat transfer phenomena along with engineering applications and methods of solution of such problems. Emphasis on laboratory report writing, oral presentations and team-building skills, and the design of experiments. Computer assignments. Random Vibrations Individual or group experimental or theoretical research in the area of mechanical engineering. Prerequisite: MECHENG 311 or MECHENG 412, or MECHENG 511 or equivalent. The College of Engineering Course Equivalency Database lists courses that are technical in nature, including math, science, and engineering courses. Teams will use collaboration technology tools extensively. (4 credits) Rheology and Fracture CourseProfile (ATLAS), MECHENG 440. , furnaces, gas turbines, and control of road vehicles on common principles of transport and! Through use of novel materials specular, and oblique shocks degree of freedom systems and continuous., reaction kinetics flow involving area change, normal shocks, friction, temperature and is! 4 – Research, Innovation, Service, Entrepreneurship Prerequisite: MECHENG 595 ; mandatory satisfactory/unsatisfactory environmental.. Design methodologies and procedures using a decision-making framework, emphasis is placed on the project at the close of Orr-Sommerfeld. Stress-Strain relations, and control Advised Prerequisite: Physics 140 & 141, and iPod Touch to bars rods! 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