her dreams about the burning maze). Going back… it would break my heart.” (93). 2. Following this, it is then that her beginning a journey of self discovery would make sense. When Jason and Piper explored the labyrinth, a fire of Helios blew out and separated Jason and Piper. Together, the would watch the stars illuinate the entire sky. Now back to the whole part revolving around Jason. “Despite Piper’s insistence that she had distanced herself from Jason’s life, she had his schedule memorized.” (200). He had never considered that he could actually survive into adulthood. Also, it seems as though many of the values that she once stood for within the Heroes of Olympus have been thrown out the window. The ill fated Crest secretly wants to be a musician. So for the big theory as to why Piper’s character has shifted so much and the real reason why I believe that Piper broke up with Jason; Jason made a sexual move on Piper and she wasn’t prepared for it. Maybe this is just my way of expressing my frustration with her new depiction and I simply read way too far between the lines in my attempt to find an answer to her character shift that would satisfy me. Piper and Jason are at odds because of the secrets that Jason is keeping from Piper. Sneaking out wasn't all that hard to do, but Piper knew that the harpies were more than glad to have a midnight snack. Wyatt would often pick on him. Instead, get her on a phone call with you right away and begin triggering her feelings of desire by making her smile, laugh and enjoy the thrill of talking to you again. Well, if you managed to get through all of this, you have my appreciation. As such, I agreed with the decision to break them up, at least temporarily. He tries to kiss her, but she hesitates and says, "I can't." He needs to and therefore we can't have Jason back. As such, she was likely staying calm for his sake. Finally, the Elders decided that if no innocents are put in danger because of the relationship, Piper and Leo can be together on a probationary basis. While I can say that I wasn’t a big fan of Jason’s character, Piper was a different story. Congress needs leaders, not beta male, anti-American liars. However, because this is still a sensitive topic, she has become much more guarded and apathetic than she would be otherwise, despite her love for Jason. Hello to all of the PJO fandom. Some could argue that this is not definitive evidence that Jason made a move on Piper, and I would agree. Is it possible that why she is spending so much time with Baby Chuck is because of a motherly instinct kicking in as a result of her identity crisis? So is it possible that Jason, who knows that Piper loves physical affection, accidentally took it too far and Piper freaked as a result? He needs this death to become a better god and to "remember what it's like to be human" without that he'd never do that. Who’s to say that maybe this went too far and once again, he got caught up in the moment and pushed Piper too far? However, even Apollo noted how Piper and Jason “may not be telling each other (and me) the whole truth” when Piper explains why she broke up with Jason and the events regarding the maze. Well, the characters themselves declare their reason for breaking up, or do they? Which city is the first to introduce all elctric cabs? Here with you live (not really) to discuss what I may believe to be a pretty decent theory that I had developed in regards to “The Burning Maze.” This being said, this is likely to be a controversial one, as it has to do with relationships. This is fake no hate at all this is all just for fun and I’m sorry to the people who thought any of these videos were hate but I like them both no hate! Rather, I believe that her own emotional outburst towards Jason would have been the threat, as the remaining characters would just as quickly have turned on Jason as the Hedge family did. Piper then thinks to herself, jealous of Percy and Annabeth's relationships, wondering why her and Jason could not do anything romantic like that. Around the age of six, Nico … For someone to act out of character, especially in an aggressive manner, something has to have been a catalyst for it. Since Nico was born in Italy and his mother was Italian (the daughter of a diplomat in Washington D.C.), he can speak fluent Italian. Apollo himself said that he would eventually forget, but with Jason's death everything changed and he promised he would remember. Again, she still loves the boy and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him, hence her extremely in character and emotional outburst following Jason’s death. "Hello Reyna," Jason enunciated each … How long will the footprints on the moon last? How many times do a clock's hands overlap in a day? I will live at just that however, a possibility. Eventually, Jason was inducted into the Fifth Cohort (despite others warni… It would give Jason a clear motivation and it gives Piper a well established and developed reason for behaving the way she does in the Burning Maze. Now, as this is likely to have most readers simply turn off their computers and form a lynch mob to come find me, please just hear me out before you do. Also, let’s not forget that Rick Riordan has been addressing more mature topics as his books have continued. Google allows users to search the Web for images, news, products, video, and other content. Why is it that a bed would be uncomfortable for someone to associate themself with? ", though this was probably said in the heat of the moment. But in the end, I do believe that this kind of event would offer a new light to the events of the Piper and Jason subplot. The daughter of Aphrodite once believed in the true power of love and didn’t define herself based on the selfish idea of manipulation and infatuation that her mother and siblings attempted to instill in her. !SUBSCRIBE FOR WEEKLY VIDEOS! He has addressed race relations, cultural conflicts, LGBT, and domestic violence to name a few. They share a few moments and flirt a lot, but never really get together because ( here comes a spoiler) when jason jets his memory back at the end of the first book, The … Also, I need to make it clear that I don’t even necessarily like this theory, but I still found that it had an unnerving amount of evidence to support it. In all honesty, I agree that her relationship with Jason wasn’t a very stable one as far as a foundation goes. The two had snuck out after the harpies had checked their cabins. As I’ve said before, she is acting very out of character through the whole book. So that is the whole theory. So, if you want to get back together with your ex, don’t waste a lot of time avoiding her and hoping she will come back to you on her own. Who knows, let’s keep digging. Is it possible that one of these secrets being kept is that Jason made a move on Piper and she wasn’t ready for it? Piper still remembered one of her fake memories, when she and Jason had done this. This was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back when you consider her worries about her mother and Hera screwing up her life. Lacy asked, the whole cabin crowded around my bed. This once again seems out of character, as Piper was often very expressive, even going as far as having a fairly large number of readers hating her for “being too whiny.” This one-eighty in personality seems to be an answer those readers wanted, but there is no explanation for it. The real reason is actually rather emotional. Nico di Angelo was born around 1932 in Venice, Italy, before World War II (before Hades and his brothers took an oath to have no more demigod children). Also, this would explain her general character shift. However, if you have opposing views, do please share them. Now, why would Piper openly tell us that she was the cause of the break up and why shouldn’t we simply accept that? When we see Piper in “The Burning Maze”, one can’t deny that her character is vastly different from the Piper we had previously known. On March 24th, 1975, she was visited by her future self who, along with the future selves of her sisters, tried to unbind the bond that her mother had made with the warlock Nicholas. She was born with the Wiccan power of Molecular Immobilization. Piper arrives at The Next Step's open house and approaches James, wondering where auditions for A-Troupe will be held. Her guard is up and she has already come up with a story to cover it up. In that state of panic, he knew that the odds of him living a long life were very small. She had established that she is not going to define herself by what others want to stereotype her as (be it a daughter of Aphrodite or a Cherokee). Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? For example, her reaction to Leo being alive and her comforting Meg about her past are well within character. Piper was glad that she was able to make … I really didn't. However, the new Piper is now going through an identity crisis that came out of nowhere and is apparently caught between a cultural rift. “That boy. He still hung out with Annabeth. I don’t believe that. Haw, um. However, this line seems to be putting the villainy and discomfort on the bed itself, not Jason. To add some further context, it is more than well established that demigods have very dangerous lives. They kind of do. Season 2 of Orange Is the New Black hits Netflix on June 6, and according … This actually has nothing to do with the characters themselves, but rather an overarching theme within the story and the creatures that are introduced in this book. He heard the prophecy that if Jason, Piper and someone else would go on a quest together, one of them is going to die. This is constantly stated throughout the series and is made most apparent with Percy’s shock with New Rome. “Piper sat cross-legged on the floor, her back against the wall, as far as possible from the more comfortable sitting option of the bed.” (204). The characters, setting, or the pictures do not belong to me. When we also consider the fact that Uncle Rick has a habit of dangling the truth right in front of us, the evidence and reasonings given do seem more likely. Finn implies he wants to get back together on a moonlight stroll where Puck, Sam, Artie, and Mike serenade them with the song Bella Note. As opposed to many other children of Aphrodite, Piper was never very focused on her natural beauty and has a somewhat tomboyish style. Jason and Piper: Half-Blood Academy Fanfiction. I don’t think so.., I don’t want to dash your hopes, but just as Apollo said,’There is no going back.’, Yeah i know the chances of Jason coming back are really slim. Now as Piper is female and was attending a different school than Jason, how or why would she memorize his school schedule? Despite this, he has had a relatively calm upbringing aside from the two wars and his toddler years. Hazel however, who was literally raised in the forties, when segregation and prudent lifestyles were the norm, seems like a much more likely candidate for this kind of reaction and outburst. I absolutely love the Percy Jackson universe and the world that Rick Riordan has created. This being said, as an avid Piper fan, I am more than willing to admit that I might just be overzealous and grasping at straws that aren’t there. Now, this could be explained away by the fact that the McLeans were now bankrupt and forced to move to Oklahoma and that would be heartbreaking. This is also apparent with the characters themselves. It’s probably better.” (218). Jason, the football team's caption and Piper, the girl that hates him( or so she thought). I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, be it real life or a story. As someone who was arguably the most emotionally in-tune out of the Seven, Piper doesn’t seem like the kind of person to have this kind of reaction or crisis. This would also explain why she becomes snappy with the other characters when they try and figure out why she broke up with Jason. He knew that his time was coming close to an end even prior to the Sybil telling him, or at least he expected it. We can’t deny that with everything shown, this does seem like a possibility. She would have used her charmspeaking to help her and her father. The prophecy said that if he brought Piper along with him, one of them would end up dying. Chris had a slight inferiority complex toward his older, more powerful brother Wyatt. In fact, it actually depresses me quite a bit. However, let’s try and keep an open mind about this. How does this realization impact to your life in screen the UV out. Jason, in a state of panic of knowing the potential of his own death and of Piper’s, made a move on Piper or made a case of having a child with Piper before she was ready. As an avid Piper fan, I can honestly say that I was not happy with this portrayal of her character. They do get back together and during the show's 100th episode, The Seven Year Witch, an old friend helps reunite them … From The Hill: Addressing the House, Phillips recounted the events of Jan. 6, recalling that lawmakers had looked for objects to … Jason has lived his whole life as a soldier. She admits to knowing that it wasn't a work date and falls silent. Well, within “The Burning Maze”, the new monsters introduced are the pandae, a race of fuzzy humanoids with eight digits and massive ears that can hear so clearly that they can tell when a person is lying just by micro volumes of their voice. Percy and Jason spent hours together, in their cabins, at their tables, training, going on jogs around the lake first thing in the morning. She was the caring, affectionate, and friendly voice of calming within the Seven. when she battled Khione and the Boreads by herself on the Argo II). The Piper that we knew in the previous series would have done everything in her power and fought tooth and nail to stay in California. Well i have to wait 3 weeks until the 6th season dvd comes to the store i ordered it from and im dyning to know what happens? Let’s make this clear, I am not demonizing either of these two characters. When did organ music become associated with baseball? And as much as I love Jasper, I think his death needs to be permanent to change Apollo for good. Along with that, this would explain why Jason doesn’t mind being labeled as the bad guy. She also seems to have taken on a much more passive role than what she is normally described as, once again warranting the attention of Apollo when she discusses how she and her father would have to move to Tahlequah. Another point where she seems back in character is when she “cradled Baby Chuck…” (188). I am saying that this theory does hold up to scrutiny. My finely tuned senses told me Mellie was not happy with Jason Grace, son of Jupiter.” (92). People change.” (123). Let’s face it, within this series, the characters remain fairly consistent in the way they behave. Piper was born on August 7, 1973, to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. !THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WATCHING!! I understand that this theory seems to be demonizing Jason, but that is not the intent. After all, it tends to be awkward around your ex. When they get inside, Apollo takes notice of a very particular action of Piper’s. This theory has nothing to do with the overall plot of the story nor does it involve our main cast of characters. However, even Apollo noted how Piper and Jason “may not be telling each other (and me) the whole truth” when Piper explains why she broke up with Jason and the events regarding the maze. Simple, she still loves Jason and doesn’t want others detesting him. Ever since we made it to Epirus, Jason had become distant. This would be even more likely the case for Jason who seems to constantly even be in life or death situations. Maybe I’m just upset with how Piper has been behaving. Then, get her to meet up with you in person. So once again, he has reason to want to try and live a fulfilling life. They share a few moments and flirt a lot, but never really get together because ( here comes a spoiler) when jason jets his memory back at the end of the first book, The Lost Hero, he remembers a girl named Reyna that he had feelings for. Jason broke up with Piper was because he did not want her to get hurt. This being said, as Piper sees how Mellie and Gleeson reacted to what happened between her and Jason, she likely wanted to prevent other people from turning on Jason in the same way. Maybe he got caught up in an intimate moment with her and dropped the suggestion without thinking. While I may not be happy with that idea, I will respect Rick’s decision to go down this route if that is the case. So im conflicted on this.. Do you guys think that Piper’s reasons for breaking up with Jason were valid? Do Piper and Leo get back together on Charmed for season 6? Would it be so unreasonable to believe that she would have confessed what happened to Mellie and Gleeson? She also is the narrator of the story. After Piper's death when Chris turned fourteen, Victo… At one point, she helped her actor father research Greek Mythology (for a role her father was a… Piper and Leo do indeed get back together. Jason folded his arms around me and put his chin on my head as he looked up at the stars. The way that Rick represented his death was so gut wrenching and sad and like you said, Rick repeatedly stated that Jason’s death was permanent. Once she had calmed down, she began to have this crisis about who she is, not necessarily in the cultural sense, but as a person herself. Jason gives no reason, only declaring that “Piper ended it,” and neither does the Hedge family, who seem very familiar with their breakup (218). If anything – anything – white people are being held back in order to boost up minorities. "She said Jason was in trouble and if I want him back, Reyna and I would have to work together to get him back." Even when she was face to face with Jason when the whole group was in his dorm room, she still seemed to distance herself from him, often speaking in short lines and keeping “her tone carefully neutral.” (205). As Piper and Jason struggle through their problems, the fates bring them together. This actually makes a lot of sense. Perhaps the greatest hint that something major happened is simply Piper’s shift in character. Now maybe this is simply him referring to the fact that he witheld information from Piper about one of them dying, but while I find this within his character, it seems out of character for Mellie and Gleeson to hold this so strongly against him, even if they only know that Jason is hiding something. Based on that character trait, does this mean that she viewed Jason as a threat? The greeting was cold and lacked all emotion. I personally was able to relate to being the insecure person who only seems to fix everyone else’s problem, but I can’t let that prevent me from being objective about my developed theory. Get ready to spend some time in the Litchfield Penitentiary this summer. Jason and Piper: Half-Blood Academy Fanfiction. He’s now sixteen and has just finished with a second war and let’s face it, teenagers will be teenagers. Merch dropping very very soon so be ready!! My initial take on this theory began shortly after Apollo and the gang pull Jason out of class. What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual sports and team sports? People like this House Democrat do nothing for the country except make her weaker. *consider Piper. Jason … "Hello Jason." Piper and Jason (Jasper) !! Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? This would likely tip the scale of rational behavior and drive him to likely try and find some solace. While I understand that of the Seven from the Heroes of Olympus, Piper and Jason are often viewed as the two worst of the characters. As such, it is likely that she was lying or at least not telling the full truth. Rather it has to do with a once major character, now turned side character, Piper McLean. While she has a history of trying to keep herself calm, she only really did this when there was a clear and present threat (i.e. … It would make sense. She was still one of his best friends. Her reaction would be justified and it simply makes her human. This motherly role is very much like the Piper we knew back in The Heroes of Olympus. The major theme that they carry is secrets. I considered lying, but they would eventually find out. I never considered all those hints. "So, Piper, what did Hazel say?" Is Mike Tyson any relation to Cicely Tyson? Bear with me here. Please don’t come chasing after me with torches and pitchforks. He had an older sister named Bianca di Angelo.As a child, Nico was obsessed with pirates. So here is my attempt to rationalize and defend why he possibly made this move. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. With all of the hits he’s taken to the head, maybe this is the case. Identity was never a major struggle for her, insecurity was. “... Mellie seemed, ah, upset with you.”... “I’m okay with Mellie blaming me. Jason and Piper had planned star-gazing alot at night. He was starting to get on my last nerves too. That would explain this journey of self discovery that Piper is going on and along the way, she has found herself not entirely opposed to the idea of having her own children. If this was actually proven to be canon, I would actually have a newfound respect for Jason because this kind of situation humanizes him. 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