Joshua has an MA degree in English from Jacksonville State University, and the best way to contact him is at Francis Sinclair . Follow … She was 5 years old then, so 20 years old now. He is implied to be a time traveler from the future. This Carving can be found around Whintard Strait. However, after finding said rock carvings, Sinclair's real occupation is revealed. His name is Hey everyone, this is my first playthrough of rdr2 and I have a problem with one of the missions. After finding five pieces of graffiti around the city, players will be able to encounter this vampire down an alleyway in the dead of night. He boasts to Arthur that he is on the verge of a breakthrough. First off, is seeing the alien space craft the end goal or just part of it? If and when this meteorite is found, it's possible that it could hold answers to other mysteries, but for now, Red Dead Redemption 2 players are left in the dark on this one. Here's one from inside Francis SInclair's house Here's one from a new location btw. But seeing as RDR2 is a prequel to the first game, ... Northwest of Strawberry, you'll find a small cabin inhabited by a man with a strange birthmark named Francis Sinclair. All signs point to the Van Horn Trading Post, yet still no Red Dead Redemption 2 player has managed to actually find her legitimately. Upon further inspection of the source of the noise, you will find that an unclothed man is the one who is howling. He also made the decision to keep Miriam locked up. It's a bit odd that the story of RDR2 takes place before the events of RDR1. There are 10 of them to find. Plus, his manner of speaking when Morgan first spoke to him should have been a giveaway. Francis Sinclair is not your average side quest stranger. It's not a true Rockstar Games creation without an alien mystery, and while this one may seem solved, there's still a lot of unknowns when it comes to this Mount Shann mystery in Red Dead Redemption 2. The Old Brass Compass is a rare item required to make the Raven Claw Talisman. Red Dead Redemption 2 Characters Francis Sinclair is a mysterious man with orange hair and a birthmark near his right eye. Likely to always remain a mystery, players can find the Strange Man in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption… After finding all 10 Rock Carvings, mail the coordinates to Francis Sinclair at any post office. According to the Epsilon Program's "official" website featured since GTA San Andreas, it claims that anybody with a birth mark may be a descendant of Kraff. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. In the first Red Dead Redemption game, John Marston met a woman named Bonnie MacFarlane. 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Reach the hut in the forest and talk to Francis Sinclair. If you follow this man to his abode, you will find that he has been living in the wild with wolves since he was a child. Red Dead Redemption 2 originally launched on October 26, 2018, and came backed with mysteries found throughout the game. Once you have the all of the Rock Carving Coordinate Letters you can then mail them to Francis Sinclair from any post office. file. However, because they are basically the same item in the addictive Red Dead Redemption 2, many think they do not connect. At several locations that the Van der Linde Gang visits, Arthur Morgan will run into a man named Nigel desperately looking for his friend Gavin. It appears mutilated and unfinished, meaning this mystery is one that may never be solved, but at the same time, that's not definitive proof that it isn't in the game. When Red Dead Redemption 2 came to PC, players managed to look through game files and spawn her character model. After all, there's a lot of mysterious elements at play here that don't make a lot of sense. Red Dead Redemption 2 has been out for several months by now, but the adventure and delight it is providing to gamers has not ceased. To call Red Dead Redemption 2 a good game would be an insult. This Walkthrough shows how to complete this Stranger Mission in RDR2. He keeps turning up, wailing for his friend. As such, here are 10 mysteries in Red Dead Redemption 2 that go unsolved in 2020 (and fingers crossed that's all of them). They have been in the region for a while, frightening the people trying to make a living off of the swamps nearby. Several characters drop hints that things are not as they seem at Emerald Ranch. Francis Sinclair Mural. But much like Princess IKZ's character model, the in-game model for this fish was found by PC players. There's three of them, but players have only ever been able to find two: one north of Roanoke Valley, one north earth of the Fossilized man. Said to be 180 pounds, it is by and large the biggest catfish in the game...if players could ever find it. ... Francis Sinclair is not your average side quest stranger. He picked up their ways and roams the woods with them. However, if players are cruel enough to slay Nigel, they can find a letter he was about to send off to his family. This quest is … Be careful. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. If you use a red electric lantern left at the lab to show you the way, you will find the robot way up in the mountains north of Spider Gorge. Likely to always remain a mystery, players can find the Strange Man in both Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. Your last task is to go back to where the quest started. arthur dead francis morgan rdr red redemption sinclair rdr2 reddeadredemption arthurmorgan reddeadredemption2 spartan22294 rdr2screenshot reddeadredemption2screenshot francissinclair Here is a screenshot of Arthur Morgan when he meets Francis Sinclair and he gives Arthur a side quest of finding ten Rock Carving locations. Sinclair will ask you find ten Rock Carvings which might be scattered throughout a number of other areas of the Crimson Lifeless Redemption 2 map. And as such, Rockstar is taking every chance to allude to "future" events with little easter eggs. Head to the cabin to complete the quest. If true, that means Gavin is mostly a joke and an Easter egg at that. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Old Brass Compass is a unique item and crafting material you can use to create the Raven Claw Talisman for Arthur.. Francis has combed, ginger hair and a thin, orange mustache. RDR2 takes us back to the year 1899, 34 years after slavery was repealed in the United States of America. If you head northwest of Strawberry to a hut, you will be able to encounter Francis Sinclair, a Stranger who will ask you to locate 10 rock carvings … Red Dead Redemption 2 has been filled with mysteries since launch, but here are those that still persist all the way into 2020. There are paintings that are seemingly related, markers of DNA found around the area, how is it connected to its Kuhkowaba worshipers and the idea of time travel, how are the cities depicted on the panoramic map connected to this, what do the lines on the rock carving mean, and how does the note mentioning Mount Shann and its Sundial connect? The woman in the window If there's one thing Disney has taught us, it's that if you see a woman standing in a window at night, she's either a captured princess or an evil queen. Red Dead Redemption 2 made mention of her character in a letter found by a man close to perishing. The man was apparently a suitor of Bonnie's. Dutch's gang is heading towards their steady defeat, and Marston is still an outlaw. While riding your horse through Roanoke Ridge, an odd howling can be heard reverberating through the woods. The vampire won't attack immediately. This has made him quite feral, and both he and his wolves will attack Arthur Morgan on sight. This mystery is more of a why instead of a what or where. Across the game world, there are a few compasses that do not point north, leading many to believe that they are intended to lead players somewhere, either from one compass to the next or to where they intersect. The "Geology for Beginners" Stranger mission is given out by Francis Sinclair, a mysterious man living in a cabin found near Strawberry. Kraff was, according to the Epsilon Program and its founder Cris Formage, the Emperor of the 4th Paradigm and appears to be a key part of the cult's beliefs. Meet Francis Sinclair, the Stranger who unlocks Geology for Beginners As of this writing, the character of Gavin has not been found. It’s the one with Francis Sinclair. A close-up of the baby shows a similar-looking facial birthmark, and the woman also reveals her baby’s name: Francis. Intrepid gamers, however, can take the time to figure out where Arthur is buried. 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There is only one in Red Dead Redemption II. On the T in West Elizabeth. Upon entering the cabin, the player is met by a giant drawing of Sinclair with futuristic pictographs surrounding him. Whether she genuinely is or not remains to be seen, but there's at least something connected to her. Inspect the grave as John Marston in order to pay your respects to the late and great Arthur Morgan. At first glance, the bumbling geologist who tasks Arthur Morgan with finding rock carvings might seem like a harmless intellectual. When questioned, the woman says her husband is dead and only she and the baby are staying at the cabin. A close-up of the baby shows a similar-looking facial birthmark, and the woman also reveals her baby’s name: Francis. The basis for this idea is that North Yankton in Grand Theft Auto 5 featured a snowy environment, which had a solid presence in Red Dead Redemption 2, and it wouldn't make a lot of sense to create such an intricate environment for a single, short use. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the game that keeps on giving long after you have finished the story. And when a woman enters his cabin carrying a little baby with the same birthmark as Francis, you can guess who the baby will grow up to be. It seems that the first time the player meets Francis he is a lot older than he should be, as he is time traveling. There is a vampire lurking in the streets of Saint Denis. It's where your interests connect you with your people. After accepting the invite and waiting for a few hours, Francis will get marked on the map by a white icon. Time travel itself aside, the mural seems to depict a number of intriguing details of Red Dead Redemption 2. After accepting the invite and waiting for a few hours, Francis will get marked on the map by a white icon. This man, Francis Sinclair, is heavily tied to the "Geology for Beginners" mission. I completed the quest AFTER I had found all the graves. He is seen wearing a checkered blue knit sweater over a white round collared shirt with a blue necktie… As if gators and snakes were not enough terror for Arthur Morgan to look out for, he now has to contend with silent, raging humans who bum-rush him with melee weapons. ... 15 Francis Sinclair's Time Travelling Adventure. The Stranger responsible for Geology for Beginners side-mission in Red Dead Redemption 2 is Francis Sinclair. In the second, he's far more mysterious, only appearing in images and paintings, but there's a cabin reportedly owned by him. Arthur's grave is located right behind the Mysterious Hill Home. But rest assured, he is unhappy to be interrupted in his night-time feeding. It illuminates the night with an eerie green light. The vampire can end Arthur Morgan/John Marston with a single stroke. Rockstar Games is well known for including hilarious Easter Eggs in their games. Many believe this to be a genuine Red Dead Redemption 2 mystery, whereas others believe it to be something random and unrelated. Red Dead Redemption 2 is out now for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. Sinclair is gone and in his place is a woman with a baby. He should be fought with caution. He will ask you to find ten Rock Carvings. However, just like with Princess Isabeau and the legendary channel catfish, RDR2 PC players quickly looked into the matter. One of Red Dead 2‘s side missions sees Arthur Morgan find 10 rock carvings for a man named Francis Sinclair, who lives in a cabin to the northwest of Strawberry. If you drive along the river and look at the … The most likely scenario is that Nigel was named Gavin in the game files but isn't actually supposed to be Gavin, simply being named for his entire purpose in the game. But still, he has a quest for you to take up if you're willing. Geology for Beginners Walkthrough. ... Get started the challenge by way of talking with Francis Sinclair outdoor his cabin northwest of Strawberry. The Old Brass Compass in Red Dead Redemption II; however, requires you to complete a Stranger Mission. Players can get into a fistfight with Eugene Wegner with impunity. A one-stop shop for all things video games. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. It has been a long time since Red Dead Redemption 2 was released, so a major spoiler should be easily forgiven. He appears to have quite a lean frame and has sharp, defined facial features, while appearing to be in late 20s or early 40s. Return to Francis Sinclair. There are two explanations here. Robert H Eastman. There is an in-game meteorite players can find, and each item reduces the effect of hot environments by 10%. Francis Sinclair . A woman returns during the cut-scene with a small red-haired baby named Francis. Over time, quite a few of these have been solved, but in true Rockstar Games fashion, there's still plenty of odds and ends players have yet to piece together in the western-adventure game. As aforementioned, there was a break in this case at the end of 2019, yet once again, this has seemingly stalemated. While most of these are one-offs that are solved, one has to wonder why these were included and if there's anymore to these supernatural incursions. It makes you wonder who in the world Gavin is. Since Francis Sinclair has both red hair and a birthmark, could he be one of the "different" people the Epsilon Program was talking about? When questioned, the woman says her husband is dead and only she and the baby are staying at the cabin. MORE: 5 Ways Sadie Adler is Better Than John Marston and Arthur Morgan in Red Dead Redemption 2. The less likely but potentially more interesting scenario is that Nigel is Gavin but has some sort of personality disorder. In the video game, you can find and collect the Old Brass Compass starting Chapter 2, after you reach Horseshoe Overlook.. The Night Folk are a band of bloodthirsty, crazy people who roam the swamps of Bayou Nwa. This is nothing new for the developer as the Grand Theft Auto 5 Chiliad Alien mystery took years to be solved (or at least mostly). If … She's blonde, has a birthmark on her left cheek, and a birthmark on her right hand. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Ways to Make Arthur as Evil as Possible. RDR2: Who Is Gavin, And 9 Other Burning Questions, Answered. However, after finding said rock carvings, Sinclair's real occupation is revealed. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Her uncle, Eugene, shot up Miriam's lover Joshua at the saloon years ago. When he's not writing, playing his own games, or thinking about writing or playing his games, he's probably the second player to his son's Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu! And if players travel to Mount Shan, another unidentified flying object will appear to dazzle the eyes. To set off on your journey to find the Red Dead Redemption 2 rock carvings, you'll first need to make your way to a cabin northwest of Strawberry and speak to a … Reed's Cottage in Roanoke Ridge Link to post Share on other sites. It's brought up and mentioned by Jeremy Gill, but players have searched and search never finding it in-game. However, if you haven't delved so deeply into every nook and cranny of Red Dead Redemption 2, you might have missed a few answers to mysteries you encountered along the way. Red Dead Redemption 2 is such a huge world that there are bound to be some details that create unanswered questions... like these ones! A one-stop shop for all things video games. The man cries, "Gavin! All of the RDR2 secrets feel like a more significant part of the world thanks to Arthur’s unique way of phrasing things and his love of jotting things down in his journal. In the original, he forces John to complete tasks before an intense third encounter, where the man stands on the spot where John and Abigail Marston are buried. Head to his hut (where you started the quest) and collect your reward. If Morgan visits Dragic's lab later on, the inventor's deceased body will be found on the floor with no robot in sight. Your last task is to go back to where the quest started. The Stranger mission is called “Geology for Beginners,” and Mr. Sinclair sends Arthur Morgan out to look for 10 special Red Dead Redemption 2 Rock Carvings across the entire game world. The discriminating attitudes still remain of course, and there are those who would have preferred to keep humans as property, but now the law prohibits them from doing so. She helps Marston out during some rough encounters. Ever since Red Dead Redemption 2 released, many have theorized that Guarma was a test for a Grand Theft Auto 6 location (suggesting it would have a lot of jungles). Upon loading his character model, however, players will find that Gavin IS Nigel. Unfortunately, trouble beset the man as he meets his demise on a distant shore, with only that letter to Bonnie MacFarlane to keep him company. After completing a mission that basically confirms Francis Sinclair is a time traveler, there is a mural left behind that depicts his travels. If you explored the Grizzlies thoroughly, you will know where the Mysterious Hill Home is at (close to Bacchus Station). The second Rock Carving in the West Elizabeth region is found right to the left of the first "T" … He invites Morgan to his lab up north where he shows him a robot work-in-progress. Start the mission by speaking with Francis Sinclair outside his cabin northwest of Strawberry. To find the next Rock Carving, make your way to this location on … Perhaps the most intriguing detail of this mural is the meteorite in Egypt, which could perhaps be a clue as to the third meteorite, a mystery described below, but of course, there's no traveling to Egypt in Red Dead Redemption 2. Throughout the game, Red Dead Redemption 2 players can come across any number of supernatural entities. This letter reveals that Nigel has been lying to his family about his and Gavin's wealth out west. Occassionally, there's an update to some of these mysteries, such as the case of princess Isabeau Katharina Zinsmeister being somewhat confirmed to exist in game files, yet some of these can go for quite some time without being addressed. He wants the main character to find sculptures carved in stone (Rock Carvings) for him. If players hang around a cabin found to the north of Emerald Ranch, they will find an alien spaceship hovering in the air at 2 a.m. This vampire apparently has a fondness for wall art. The Red Dead Redemption 2 Old Brass Compass is a unique item and crafting material you can use to create the Raven Claw Talisman for Arthur.. In the video game, you can find and collect the Old Brass Compass starting Chapter 2, after you reach Horseshoe Overlook.. You can send information to Francis by post about the sculptures that you have already found. RDR2 Rock Carving Map Ultimately, while the case here is mostly shut, it's not likely Rockstar Games will ever give official word on the Gavin mystery. Fans believe that a character you encounter during a side mission might actually be a time traveler. There's plenty of fish in the RDR2 sea, but there's nothing quite like the description of the legendary channel catfish. One of Red Dead 2 ‘s side missions sees Arthur Morgan find 10 rock carvings for a man named Francis Sinclair, who lives in a cabin to the northwest … It is a phenomenal game. Gavin, where are you?" RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2 Emerald Ranch Mystery Explained. On this page, we will focus on the location of each Carving, but on a separate page of the guide, we have described the exact course of the mission called Geology for Beginners. In Red Dead Redemption 2 you will meet the man called Francis Sinclair. Hamish is first encountered by a rock in Grizzlies East, Ambarino. The leading thought is that he is meant to represent God, the devil, or death itself somehow in Red Dead Redemption 2, which seems to be the idea behind his role in the original game. Geology for Beginners is a Stranger Mission Strand (Side Questline) in Red Dead Redemption 2. In the past few months, Red Dead Redemption 2 players have been led to think that the third is tied to a random conversation near Valentine of someone's daughter fishing a strange rock from a lake, yet the daughter has not been found, the conversation is hard to catch, and fishing for it doesn't seem to be the answer. RDR2 even features a reference to a notorious donkey glitch from the ... Francis seemingly has the exact same birthmark covering his right eye. Read on if you want some of those mysteries solved.