1564 - 1616. Modern and Contemporary Philosophy on Friendship In modern and contemporary philosophy, friendship loses the central role it had played once upon a time. ‘You’re other than you think’. In rhyme, we glimpse ‘the unthinkable geometry of a part bigger than that of which it is part, of a part more powerful than the whole … the atopia and the aporia of an apparently atomic element which includes in its turn, within itself, the element that overflows it’.12 In this too, rhyme rhymes with friendship, and with the uncanny psycho-poetics friends make up. The passage from The Politics of Friendship from which we are taking our soundings gets its rhythm from what has gone before it — all those readings of all those writings about friendship. And Derrida's lines sustain rhyme and friendship in this loose relationship of amicable disjuncture, offering ‘the phenomenon of an appeased symmetry, equality, reciprocity between two infinite disproportions as well as between two absolute singularities’ (PF 220). Nevertheless, the other sorts of politics are there — identity politics, state politics, neo-liberal economics and the politics of individualism. In fact, what is perhaps most remarkable about these lines is their feeling of ease and relaxation. This article takes its inspiration and provocation from a reading of a rhyme-rich passage in Derrida's Politics of Friendship. "O my friends" thus becomes something like "he for whom there are (many) friends," and the full sentence shifts to mean "he who has (many) friends can have no true friend." Share. Rhyme and friendship are placed here in relation but without subordination or simple exchange. References will henceforth be given in the text as PF and PA. 3 Alexander Pope, ‘An Essay on Criticism’ in Poetical Works, edited by Herbert Davis (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1978), 64–85, lines 348–9. And in that early essay he explains the reasons for insisting a bit on this end sound: In the usage of our language the ending — ance remains undecided between the active and the passive….the middle voice, a certain nontransitivity, may be what philosophy, at its outset, distributed into an active and a passive voice, thereby constituting itself by means of this repression.5. It is from the Latin rima — which just means chink — and is still to be found in the physiological term rima glottidis, the passage in the glottis between the vocal chords and the arytenoid cartilages. His flamboyant style--using free association, rhymes and near-rhymes, puns, and maddening digressions--is not just a vain pose (though it is surely that). But there is a future, l’avenir (to come) which refers to someone who comes whose arrival is totally unexpected. OLR devotes itself to outstanding writing in deconstruction, literary theory, psychoanalytic theory, political theory and related forms of exploratory thought. The political life is more self–sufficientthan a hedonistic life, although it still requires other people as 1.7 and 9.9 indicate. ‘On’, the impersonal pronoun ‘one’, can too-easily find itself, by the mere intervention of a letter, say, possessed by the masculine ‘son’ (his). There is a future which is predictable, programmed, scheduled, foreseeable. It has to be chipped off items of weather-monitoring equipment, so that they'll carry on functioning. Often, the laws of their relation are set by the form in which the poet chooses to write (terza rima say, or villanelle). Everything has been sewn up tight from the start, from before the start even, in that phrase that echoes down the history of (male) discourses on (male) friendship: o philoi oudeis philos. Jacques Derrida (/ ˈ d ɛr ɪ d ə /; French ... Derrida's most prominent friendship in intellectual life was with Paul de Man, which began with their meeting at Johns Hopkins University and continued until de Man's death in 1983. Sense is imagined as essence, as rooted identity, in a pious celebration of a fundamental and gemütlich homeliness, and a repression of all that is unheimlich about rhyme. David Webb - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):119-140. He wonders whether the essence of man consists in being clothed or naked; whether it is to be found in those who are armed or those who are unarmed (beim Entwaffnete oder beim Bewaffneten).14 He feels himself, in his cell, to be naked, he says. 4 Jacques Derrida, ‘Desistance’ in Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Typography: Mimesis, philosophy, politics, translated by Christopher Fynsk (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1998), 1–42, 3. Before being philosophical, friendship concerns the gift of the poem. The risk would be that we made too much of a fetish of them, perhaps, the Words of Jacques Derrida. The Web's Largest Resource for Famous Quotes & Sayings. on Pinterest. Friendship, Tradition, Democracy: Two Readings of Aristotle. It is not clear which is tenor and vehicle — what carries and what is carried. This is unavoidable, and we will and must return to it. We can leave exposition and doubling commentary for later. It is a question of staying right there where one is, waiting on and in a rhythm, while reading and thinking and writing and learning and teaching. It could be the friendships with our partners, family members, co-workers and the people we have known for a few years now or since we were kids. Chance et risque politiques du poème, dès lors. Feb 28, 2014 - Explore Mariana Maldonado's board "Jacques Derrida!!!! " “ That is what deconstruction is made of: not the mixture but the tension between memory, fidelity, the preservation of something that has been given to us, and, at the same time, heterogeneity, something absolutely new, and a break. Would there not always be a politics of the rhyme? Friendship's Future: Derrida's Promising Thought, Singbarer Rest: Friendship, Impossible Mourning (Celan, Blanchot, Derrida), Gleams and Dreams: Reflections on Romantic Rhyme, Shelley's ‘compelling rhyme schemes’ in The Triumph of Life, The Poetic Thing (On Poetry and Deconstruction), Of Force and the Future — Hélène Cixous's Poematic ‘might’, Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature (ABELL), Australian Research Council ERA 2012 Journal List, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH PLUS), MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography, Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers, Web of Science/Arts and Humanities Citation Index®. The current list of Derrida Quotes is no different. Is “Being” someone or something? He makes it evident from this angle that the friend is always a man, never a woman, that friendship always concerns couples of men. But conversely friendship in its truest and best sense might take its measure from rhyme: friendship ‘owes it to itself to be poetic (se doit d’être poétique)'. But let us begin (again), this time, with a poem, and an English one, for that is where we meet, in English, in the OLR, in ‘deconstruction and poetry’. of friendship as fully compatible with self-sufficiencyis not justified. “To pretend, I actually do the thing: I have therefore only pretended to pretend.”, “What cannot be said above all must not be silenced but written.”, “Monsters cannot be announced. Poetically, rhythm gives rhyme, gives the measure by which accents will coincide. But here, in this poem, there is no neutral measure, ‘no common measure given by a third party’ — to quote Derrida.10 And so we can learn from ‘Words’, perhaps, something of the madness, the discipline of a lawlessness, which must also ‘watch over thinking’ and reading and rhyming. "I think if I've learned anything about friendship, it's to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let … That too can be a benison, performing ‘its secret ministry’. 58 4 Jacques Derrida. Derrida Of Hospitality Quotes. Finitude and the possibility of mourning are constitutive of every friendship. July 1930 Date of death: 9. il n'y a pas de hors-texte . In other words, what has friendship got to do with politics, and what has Quotes & Sayings; Quotes by Topics; People Quotes; Time Quotes; No Result In the Name of Friendship: Deguy, Derrida and " Salut " centres on the relationship between poet Michel Deguy and philosopher Jacques Derrida. 11 Giorgio Agamben, The End of the Poem: Studies in Poetics, translated by Daniel Heller-Roazen (Stanford, Stanford University Press, 1999), 64. But the winds don't need those Romantic toys, or the suffering, bleeding poet — any drain will do. Add it Here. ‘He who has many friends, has no friend’ or ‘O my friends, there is no friend’. In ‘Words’, as in words, we are in a situation of a not-quite passive ‘attending upon the event’.8 We are tendered and turned, rather, towards a chance which — and this is chance's law — can only happen sometimes, and will fall according to no regular beat. ‘-ance’, we might say, is a nonce-name for a being-before philosophy, and one of Derrida's signature-sounds too of course. They read: Rime in English is frost. Our favorite collection of Famous Authors » Albert Einstein. On Friendship: Derrida, Foucault, and the Practice of Becoming. Managing Editor: Geoffrey Bennington (Emory University)Timothy Clark (University of Durham)Peggy Kamuf (University of Southern California)Michael Naas (De Paul University)Nicholas Royle (University of Sussex)Sarah Wood, Ronald Mendoza-De Jesús (University of Southern California), Graham Allen (University College Cork)Branka Arsić (Columbia University)Derek Attridge (York University )Homi Bhabha (Harvard University)Rachel Bowlby (University College London)Clare Connors (University of East Anglia)Arne De Boever (California Institute of the Arts)Thomas Dutoit (University of Lille III)Maud Ellmann (University of Chicago)Silvano Facioni (Univesità di Cosenza)Matthias Fritsch (Concordia University)Samir Haddad (Fordham University)John Higgins (University of Cape Town)Elissa Marder (Emory University)Anthony Mellors (Birmingham City University)Laurent Milesi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)Timothy Morton (Rice University)Jeffrey T. Nealon (The Pennsylvania State University) Eric Prenowitz (University of Leeds) Avital Ronell (New York University)Caroline Rooney (University of Kent)Marta Segarra (University of Barcelona)Tanja Staehler (Sussex University)Ashley Thompson (SOAS, University of London)Francesco Vitale (University of Salerno)Patricia Waugh (Durham University)Samuel Weber (Northwestern University)David Wills (Brown University)Robert J. C. Young (New York University). Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. It comes about half-way through The Politics of Friendship.1 Extraordinary that there is a half-way through, in some ways. 1942 wurde Derrida als Sohn einer sephardisch-jüdischen Familie entsprechend einer Verordnung des Vichy-Regimes der Schulbesuch untersagt (die Quote für jüdische Schüler wurde von 14 auf 7 Prozent gesenkt). It thinks about the poetics of friendship, and the politics of rhyme, reading Derrida in relationship to Edward Thomas and Carl Schmitt - an unlikely duo. Above all -- … For those times when you’ve lost a good friend and it’s hard to describe what you’re feeling, these poignant friendship quotes from Pinterest put the heartache of a friend breakup into words. But conversely friendship in its truest and best sense might take its measure from rhyme: friendship ‘owes it to itself to be poetic (se doit d’être poétique)'. Further Information can be found on the publisher's homepage.… — Of Grammatology. October 2004. So there is no reason not to start with rhyme, right in the middle of things. It has published work by many trailblazing thinkers and seeks to take forward the movement of deconstructive thought in the face of as many forms and institutions as possible. We might suggest, indeed, that wherever rhymes meet something like poem happens. ‘There’s another thought in what you say’. In Politics of Friendship5, Jacques Derrida presents a genealogical reading of the canonical model of friendship in circulation since Aristotle, by way of Cicero, Montaigne, Kant, Nietzsche, till even nearer to us. The rhymes are in at the ear from the off. Rhymes meet in poems: not just there, of course, and not necessarily there. Quote :Of Grammatology. Key Concept “The democracy to come” (la démocratie à venir) is perhaps the most enduring principle that emerges from Derrida’s later work.This difficult little syntagm is developed in a number of books, articles and interviews, most notably in Spectres of Marx (1993) and The Politics of Friendship (1994), finally given its fullest elaboration in Rogues: Two Essays on Reason (2004). – Anne Morrow Lindbergh. There is a looseness to its ligatures. 22 Insightful Quotes By Jacques Derrida … - Jacques Derrida Jacques Derrida's 'Politics of Friendship' (2006, Vers0) While Derrida's book on the politics of friendship is quite likely the most important contemporary contribution from a continental philosophy perspective, I have not yet had a chance to engage with it. A text remains, moreover, forever imperceptible. David Webb - 2003 - Research in Phenomenology 33 (1):119-140. 14 Carl Schmitt, Ex Captivitate Salus (Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 2002), 79. ‘The knot and the caesura, the obligation and the break — that's rhythm’.9 Never one without the possibility of the other. It's perhaps there that we find the secret of secrecy. Like a good teacher, perhaps, it says ‘when you say this I hear also that’. Birthdate: 15. The desired quotes are awaiting you below. Compelled to defend poetry, there is always the danger that we treat it as something good-in-itself, ignoring the fact that there is bad poetry, that there is dangerous poetry and — conversely and perhaps more seriously — that poems happen outside poetry books, in friendship, for example, or in the polis. How absolutely perfect do we want to make the rhyme with rhymes? Founded in 1977 it remains responsive to new concerns and committed to patient, inventive reading as the wellspring of critical research. I am grateful to Grammatology for having brought me the friendship of Marguerite and Jacques Derrida. Derrida and the Friendship of Rhyme Derrida and the Friendship of Rhyme Connors, Clare 2011-12-01 00:00:00 It comes about half-way through The Politics of Friendship.1 Extraordinary that there is a half-way through, in some ways. Etymologically, the former is from rithmos — measured flow or movement — and the latter relates (if obscurely, perhaps only rhymingly) to arithmos, number. But certainly the question of sense remains, or returns — it is never far off. On the one hand there is the head-long fall or precipitation of the cadence from ‘the obscure friendship of rhyme’ to the ‘politics of rhyme’. Politics and Friendship A Discussion with Jacques Derrida Centre for Modern French Thought, University of Sussex, 1 December 1997 . There is reason and there is rhyme, and one always calls up and on the other. In such cases, she must find her inspiration from the give and the play there might still be within quite tightly-knotted constraints. But thus undefended, and in the course of his meditations, a rhyme arrests him. Jacques Derrida was born in Algeria in 1930, into a Jewish Family. We have been tripping along and it slows us up. We hesitate for a moment — right there in the between-time of rhymes. Famous Jacques Derrida quotes. Out of the space the poem gives itself, and remarked now by the dash of that hyphen, the winds come in, and we are within a breath and a whisper of Aeolian harps and the West Wind, and all the rest of it. Rhyme and friendship are placed here in relation but without subordination or simple exchange. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Email. 7 Edward Thomas, ‘Words’ in Collected Poems (London, Faber & Faber, 2004). It is always possible to make a fetish of poetry and of rhyme. is quote demonstrates Derrida’s disti nction bet ween . The simultaneous discipline and license of rhythm is what creates and allows this. On this gift of some poem-paragraphs pretty much in the middle of things? About half-way through The Politics of Friendship, then, nel mezzo del cammin, comes this: [This is the] obscure friendship of rhyme: alliance, harmony, assonance, chime, the insane linking of a couple. Other voices must be allowed to sound. We can always conceptualise, metaphorise or allegorise rhyme. German rhyme, Schmitt writes, is ‘echo, clothing and ornament and at the same time a divining rod for the locations of sense (Echo, Kleid und Schmuck und zugleich eine Wünschelrute der Verortungen des Sinnes (91))’. Of Hospitality, Anne Dufourmantelle invites Jacques Derrida to 22 Caputo op. Benjamin Franklin. Best Derrida Quotes worth reading. 6 Jacques Derrida, ‘Letter to a Japanese Friend’ translated by David Wood and Andrew Benjamin, in A Derrida Reader: Between the Blinds, edited by Peggy Kamuf (London, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991), 269–276, 275. More Jacques Derrida Quotes. Nevertheless, it should not be missing here. Politics and Friendship A Discussion with Jacques Derrida Centre for Modern French Thought, University of Sussex, 1 December 1997 . But set against that, and sounding through it, is the dance of the mating of friendship and rhyme themselves. Missing a quote of Jacques Derrida? And whose origin could not be lost on the way?”, “What is called "objectivity," scientific for instance (in which I firmly believe, in a given situation) imposes itself only within a context which is extremely vast, old, firmly established, or rooted in a network of conventions … and yet which still remains a context.”, “I cannot respond to the call, the request, the obligation, or even the love of another, without sacrificing the other other, the other others”, We’d love your help. There is nothing original here. Does my heart move because I love someone who is an absolute singularity, or because I love the way that someone is? 1 Without a number of true friends, this article wouldn't have been written. It links, echoes, mocks, confirms, sounds out what Shelley, in ‘A Defence of Poetry’ calls the ‘before unapprehended relations of things’, and of word-things, of pain and drain, wall and all, chance and sens. Back to the sounds, the ‘an’ and the ‘on’, the alpha and the omega of our poem-paragraphs. It is true that the chime of ‘rhymes’ and ‘times’ seems rather tired. He studied in France, Paris, at Lycée Louis-le-Grand and at the Ecole Normale Supérieure. 'S hoar frost, soft frost, soft frost, winter wonder-land frost journal publishes both general and... Are necessarily rendered in writing just a ‘ crack in the past 10+ years agreeing to our of. Rhyme sacrifices itself to outstanding writing in deconstruction, which he discussed in numerous texts the philosophy Husserl... Related to the vocal chords, allowing them to vibrate give and the ‘ an ’ and times. Comes about half-way through the politics of the key terms in Foucault ’ s another thought in what you ’... This to be true to someone—singularly, irreplaceably—and one perceives that this someone isn ’ t merit our.... And there is no friend ’ this schism of sound and sense — rhyme less. 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